Rachel Angel
The Enterprise: Peero
Name: Rachel Angel
Title: CEO
How many years have you been in the Cincinnati region? Less than 6 months
Where are you originally from? Cleveland
Age: 33
Meet Rachel
Dr. Rachel Angel is the President and CEO of Anexsis. Dr. Angel developed Peerro, which is an interactive software, engaging young adults seeking employment. She was born in Newark, New Jersey, and at the age of five moved to Cleveland, Ohio. She graduated from Hampton University, where she earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree.
Tell us about your company and how it started
Peerro is a Career Pathway Management System (CPMS) that facilitates training, recruitment and employment. I started Peerro because I wanted to create an efficient and effective way to expose young adults to opportunities and the steps to get there. This was a result of the time I spent in the public education sector. It was apparent that education had lost its value to those who were in school. My main focus then became figuring out how to communicate the direct value of education to each individual’s future.
What is your biggest dream for your company?
My dream is that we will grow the company to have an international presence and that the majority of school systems will use Peerro to make sure every young adult is on a career path. In three years, guidance counselors should be able to answer this one question for any given student: “Where is this student going after they graduate?” The answer to this will be as easy as signing into Peerro.
What is your mission/purpose?
Our mission is to create opportunity access to all young adults?
What does your company mean to the community?
Our company represents exposure, access, and a sincere push for equal opportunity. This means equal opportunity to make informed career decisions and to access the paths to those goals when decided upon.
You could have opened your business elsewhere. Why Cincinnati?
Most businesses cannot be opened anywhere. As you study your market you want to give your business the best opportunity to survive. That means building it in an environment with all of the necessary elements that will encourage growth.
Why is Cincinnati a good place for minority-owned businesses?
It seems there is a strong push to not just encourage optically satisfying solutions for minorities, but to really dig into the true nature of the systemic issues that often plague Minority-Owned Businesses. Sincerity is the word that should be at the forefront of every effort.
What advice do you have for other minority entrepreneurs?
Be willing to be taught. Be willing to expand your horizon. Through all of the challenges, the ups and downs, enjoy the ride.
You need a support system to start your business. How is the CMBC providing that support?
Connections throughout the city. I think CMBC is and should be the first stop for African Americans new to the city.
How do you define success?
It is identifying your purpose no matter how relatively big or small the task is. Living within that purpose and earning wins along the way.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
I hope to represent the idea that life can be of service to others.